Service Offerings
Service Offerings
DSC is ready to help customers with a broad scope of tasks around simulation and modeling of drilling activities.
We provide our customers with a wide range of services related to the modelling and simulation of drilling processes. In this way, we want to help our customers to reduce high costs and downtimes for later use in drilling projects through prior realistic and repeatable laboratory tests on newly developed components.
For the identification, control and reduction of technical-economic risks of planned deep geothermal drilling projects, we offer realistic preliminary simulations using newly developed and validated mathematical models. The methodology developed at DSC aims to support institutions involved in the planning and implementation of (medium) deep geothermal projects (project developers, drilling contractors, etc.) in their risk management by applying the latest research results.
Examples of previous projects have been
- CFD Simulation “Gas Trap” (major service company)
- Flow Loop Tests with new Downhole Tool, several phases (service company)
- Feasibility Study “Software Simulator Based Scenario Training” (major oilfield operator)
If required, DSC will not only use internal resources but also partner with other institutes and international organizations.
Projects at the Hardware Simulator can be simple and straightforward or very complex, like investigating dynamic dysfunctions of a bottomhole assembly.
DSC’s Software Simulator is currently being transformed into an engineering simulator. Physical models considered for downhole drilling operations need to grasp the highly complex drilling system as a whole. Further developments require the integration of multiple sub-systems including geology, drilling rig, wellbore, mud system and drillstring.
Information for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based or operating in Lower Saxony:
The Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen - NBank promotes access to research infrastructure for small and medium-sized commercial enterprises. The aim is to promote the development of improved or new products, production processes or services. Use this funding opportunity to further develop your products and services together with us. You can find further information on the funding programme on the NBank website.
Our services are among others
- "Scenario Planning": Support in the planning of drilling for deep geothermal energy, e.g. through a realistic simulation of possible critical phases of the drilling process (Product Sheet)
- "Scenario Drilling": training for non-technical personnel, in particular (junior) managers, on specific challenges in the planning and execution of deep drilling operations, especially for geothermal energy (Product Sheet)
- Test series for newly developed prototypes of BHA components on an industrial scale
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses
If we have aroused your interest in cooperation, we would be pleased to hear from you at